St. Francis A.M.E. Zion Church has been a beacon of light in the Mount Kisco New York community for over 100 years. St. Francis was founded in May 1911, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scales. Several people joined in the home of the Scales to bring this organization to life that would serve the people of Mount Kisco.

St. Francis is a connected part of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ) Church denomination, a connectional society of churches lead by 12 episcopates throughout the world.

It is our desire to reach a diverse audience with one vision to build a community that liberates, education and growth spiritually by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We endeavor to empower a body of believers to join God in kingdom building and to outreach to the community as an empowered source of light, redeeming and building in the areas of need.